PDF Guide: Writing your Book's Elevator Pitch


Writing the book is easy when you compare it to marketing your book. Grab my foolproof plan and develop a strong elevator pitch.

If you intend to sell your book - to readers, to literary agents, to publishers - you’re going to need to get really comfortable really quickly when it comes to discussing it. Furthermore, in this fast-paced, short attention span world, it’s imperative that you develop a catchy, attention-grabbing summary of your book - without giving anything away! Pique their interest but keep your allure.

In comes the elevator pitch. This quick tagline (theoretically quick enough to be delivered within the time it would take to ride an elevator with someone) should snag your audience’s attention so well that they feel they MUST read your book. Lit agents want it in query letters. Your book promo efforts will require it. Even Grandma will want this quick pitch from you.

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